
Installing Dependencies

cgal4py requires the `CGAL`_ 4.9 c++ library and the `cykdtree`_. You should also have a C++14 compiler.

Installing `CGAL`_

Directions for installing `CGAL`_ 4.9 can be found here. It should be noted that, as of the latest cgal4py release, only packages of `CGAL`_ 4.9 for Debian unstable (sid) are available from the official Debian repository (See CGAL FAQ). If the version in the repository you are using is not 4.9, please download and build the `CGAL`_ libraries manually. This requires that you have cmake and checkinstall installed, both of which can be apt-get installed.:

$ cd CGAL-4.9 # go to CGAL directory
$ cmake . # configure CGAL
$ make # build the CGAL libraries
$ checkinstall # install the CGAL libraries

Use of older versions of `CGAL`_ will disable some features of cgal4py (e.g. periodic boundary conditions on a single processor).

Installing `cykdtree`_

`cykdtree`_ can be installed from either PyPI using pip:

$ pip install cykdtree

or by cloning the Mercurial Bitbucket repository:

$ hg clone https://[username][username]/cykdtree

and then building the distribution.:

$ cd cykdtree
$ python install

If you do not have admin privileges on the target machine, --user can be added to either the pip or installation commands.

Installing cgal4py

cgal4py can be installed from either PyPI using pip:

$ pip install cgal4py

or by cloning the Mercurial Bitbucket repository:

$ hg clone https://[username][username]/cgal4py

and then building the distribution (it may take a while to compile all of the Cython extensions).:

$ cd cgal4py
$ python install

If you do not have admin privileges on the target machine, --user can be added to either the pip or installation commands.

Testing the Installation

To test that everything was installed propertly. From the python prompt, import cgal4py:

>>> import cgal4py

and try to access the documentation:

>>> help(cgal4py)

Additional tests are available and can be run from the command line using nose:

$ cd cgal4py
$ nosetests