############ Installation ############ Installing Dependencies ======================= |cgal4py| requires the `CGAL`_ |cgalver| c++ library and the `cykdtree`_. You should also have a C++14 compiler. Installing `CGAL`_ ------------------ Directions for installing `CGAL`_ |cgalver| can be found `here `_. It should be noted that, as of the latest |cgal4py| release, only packages of `CGAL`_ |cgalver| for Debian unstable (sid) are available from the official Debian repository (See `CGAL FAQ `_). If the version in the repository you are using is not |cgalver|, please `download `_ and `build `_ the `CGAL`_ libraries manually. This requires that you have `cmake `_ and `checkinstall `_ installed, both of which can be ``apt-get`` installed.:: $ cd CGAL-4.9 # go to CGAL directory $ cmake . # configure CGAL $ make # build the CGAL libraries $ checkinstall # install the CGAL libraries Use of older versions of `CGAL`_ will disable some features of |cgal4py| (e.g. periodic boundary conditions on a single processor). Installing `cykdtree`_ ---------------------- `cykdtree`_ can be installed from either `PyPI `__ using ``pip``:: $ pip install cykdtree or by cloning the `Mercurial `_ Bitbucket `repository `_:: $ hg clone https://[username]@bitbucket.org/[username]/cykdtree and then building the distribution.:: $ cd cykdtree $ python setup.py install If you do not have admin privileges on the target machine, ``--user`` can be added to either the ``pip`` or ``setup.py`` installation commands. Installing |cgal4py| ==================== |cgal4py| can be installed from either `PyPI `__ using ``pip``:: $ pip install cgal4py or by cloning the `Mercurial `_ Bitbucket `repository `_:: $ hg clone https://[username]@bitbucket.org/[username]/cgal4py and then building the distribution (it may take a while to compile all of the Cython extensions).:: $ cd cgal4py $ python setup.py install If you do not have admin privileges on the target machine, ``--user`` can be added to either the ``pip`` or ``setup.py`` installation commands. Testing the Installation ======================== To test that everything was installed propertly. From the python prompt, import |cgal4py|:: >>> import cgal4py and try to access the documentation:: >>> help(cgal4py) Additional tests are available and can be run from the command line using `nose `_:: $ cd cgal4py $ nosetests